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WWF Road to WrestleMania X8, Gameboy Advance game
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---Gamboy Advance
Gameboy Advance Games
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WWF Road to WrestleMania X8
Gameboy Advance game used
Made by THQ.
All of your favorite brawlers are in the house; Are you ready to throw down? Join Steve Austin, Triple H, Kane, The Undertaker, and all the rest for this winner-takes-all showdown in the ring. With 24 total wrestlers to choose from, the game has the league covered from head to toe, and there are five complete modes to keep even the most advanced gamers challenged for a long time to come. Road to Wrestlemania also features six different match types, allowing you to duke it out in Single, Tag Team, Cage Match, Triple Threat, Hardcore, and Submission bouts. Imagine the inherent replay value in a game that sports such additional gameplay options as Season, Exhibition, King of the Ring, Pay-Per-View, and (you guessed it) Wrestlemania. Packed with patented special moves (each fighter has his own killer maneuvers), the title is high on personality, fun, and top-notch destruction. Adding to the overwhelming excitement is the fact that you can get four gamers going at a time via link cables.
This game will work on Gameboy Advance. Gameboy Advance SP and Nintendo DS systems.
Rated E for Everyone.
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WWF Road to WrestleMania X8, Gameboy Advance game
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WWF Road to WrestleMania X8
Gameboy Advance game used
Made by THQ.
All of your favorite brawlers are in the house; Are you ready to throw down? Join Steve Austin, Triple H, Kane, The Undertaker, and all the rest for this winner-takes-all showdown in the ring. With 24 total wrestlers to choose from, the game has the league covered from head to toe, and there are five complete modes to keep even the most advanced gamers challenged for a long time to come. Road to Wrestlemania also features six different match types, allowing you to duke it out in Single, Tag Team, Cage Match, Triple Threat, Hardcore, and Submission bouts. Imagine the inherent replay value in a game that sports such additional gameplay options as Season, Exhibition, King of the Ring, Pay-Per-View, and (you guessed it) Wrestlemania. Packed with patented special moves (each fighter has his own killer maneuvers), the title is high on personality, fun, and top-notch destruction. Adding to the overwhelming excitement is the fact that you can get four gamers going at a time via link cables.
This game will work on Gameboy Advance. Gameboy Advance SP and Nintendo DS systems.
Rated E for Everyone.
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